The “Jhansi Ki Rani” Awards

Real Women, Real Stories

Real Women, Real Stories

Everybody knows the story of the Rani of Jhansi. 150 years have passed and we still take cite her as an example for bravery, courage and leadership.

As part of increasing our social impact, I’ve been thinking we should start an award/recognition program celebrating the  courage of the modern Indian woman.

So tell us the stories of all the women around you who’ve been taking a stand against discrimination and violence and orthodox thinking, to create a better world! It could be anyone, you, your friends from college or a random stranger you saw on the street or in a mall!

We’ll collect all these stories and publish the most heavy impact  ones  every fortnight!

Send in these stories to with the subject line as “Jhansi”

Please don’t mention to forget your name, and the name of your “Rani of Jhansi”(it could be you 🙂 ) and her photograph (with her permission please!)

It’s time India and the world learnt about the strength and courage of women!