The Rescue Rangers

Over the past two and a half years, I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of working with a lot of very interesting, talented and different people. And i’m really glad so many of them stuck around for so long. Mind you, we couldn’t afford them a penny.

Most of the people who joined us, came on board for the opportunity to write. We’ve also worked with photographers, campus ambassadors (what a disaster!) and general well wishers! I wish this blog had been started earlier so I could tell you more about them, but better late than never, eh!

A couple of days back Chinmay, our CEO ( 😛 ) told me he’d asked two girls to take care of our Facebook page. Now Facebook is pretty much how we direct traffic to the website and it’s also our prime platform to get in touch with you, the esteemed reader. It’s also been our bane! Me and Chinmay have been very unsuccessfully trying, over the course of the last year, to make the page more interesting. Chinmay thought it would be good to get a couple of fresh minds in there. And how it’s worked!

We’ve had over a 100 more people liking the page in just under two weeks. To give it more context, it took 6 months to get 100 likes earlier :O  They’ve managed to get 50 likes and 94 shares on a single post. They also rubbed it in Chinmay’s face 😛

They’re bright, funny and great friends! And I hope they stick around for long.

So ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you the latest members of the LTGTR team….*drum roll* …. Aditi and Khyati


Join me in welcoming them on board!

And the two of you, I dunno why but you remind me of Chip n Dale from the Rescue Rangers 😛